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Yoga, Men and the Seven Chakras

Men do yoga, too. fabARTonstuff has a line of super unique and super comfortable, long lasting Yoga wear for men
There is a common misconception among people that yoga is an exercise solely meant for women. The truth is, any and everyone can benefit from yoga. Yoga is a great way to get a full body workout and works for people of all ages, shapes, sizes, and genders. All you need is a mat and stretchy, breathable and dependable clothes: leggings, tees, tanks and sweatshirt tops.

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Colour Heals – Chakra Magic Yoga, Part 3: The Crown Chakra and Gem Stones for All Chakras

Colour Heals – Chakra Magic Yoga, Part 3: The Crown Chakra and Gem Stones for All Chakras
The idea of Chakras is ancient but the concept of seven Chakras connected with rainbow colours was first written about in the16th Century by Swami Purananda. Some cultures and healing methods say that there are 13 main Chakras (or energy centres) with Hindu Vedic1 healing and Chinese QiGong2 recognizing a whopping 114 Chakras in the human body! This blog covers the most recognized seven Chakras that correspond with the seven colours of the rainbow.

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Colour Heals – Chakra Magic Yoga, Part 2: The Heart, Throat and Third Eye Chakras

Colour Heals – Chakra Magic Yoga, Part 2: The Heart, Throat and Third Eye Chakras
In the part 2 of the Magic Chakras - Colour Heals blog we will continue to tell you how wearing specific Chakra colours affects us and how to use this knowledge to our benefit in the opening the 4th, 5th and 6th Chakras: the Heart, Throat and Third Eye. When blocked or misaligned all Chakras affect negatively our physical body and/or psyche one way or another but wearing specific colours attributed to them and performing certain Yoga poses, mantras and exercises helps in restoring Chakras, opening and balancing them.

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